
記者陳愛金 / 台北報導




團結力量大!讓我們彼此感恩、同舟共濟,一起加油! 一起努力!

~Gratitude and Adoration~

Taiwan was seen because of you and me.

2.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine donated by the U.S. government have arrived.  This helping hand went way beyond our expectations, and has deeply touched us all.

“A❤T” is being  displayed at the Grand Hotel to show the love and support from the USA, and to express our sincere appreciation to our American companions.  This is a human philanthropy that crosses national boundaries, and it is also the result of the joint efforts of each one of us in Taiwan!

Taiwan was seen!

Taiwan was seen because of “one  island, one destiny. “  It’s not since the outbreak of the pandemic, but since forever that we have been fighting together and facing all kinds of adversity.  What we have achieved today is the contribution made by everyone on this island regardless of ethnicity, origin, position or values.

“United we stand.”

Let’s be grateful, and stay in the same boat.  Stay positive and keep on fighting hard.