
香港 – Media OutReach Newswire – 2024年3月6日 – 香港電訊(股份代號:6823)- 香港電訊宣布與AIS、Globe、Optus、Singtel、台灣大哥大及Telkomsel攜手推出首個跨境電訊獎賞計劃,為前往香港、泰國、菲律賓、澳洲、新加坡、台灣或印尼的合資格客戶提供尊屬禮遇。計劃將於2024年下半年逐步推出,合資格客戶在到訪這些地區時可輕鬆透過相關電訊商的手機應用程式,尊享包括交通、餐飲、商品、服務及兌換優惠券等特別禮遇,亦可於當地致電所屬電訊商的客戶服務支援熱線,費用全免。

(左至右)AIS 個人消費業務總經理Pratthana Leelapanang、Globe 個人流動通訊業務主管Darius Delgado、香港電訊數碼投資業務首席產品及創新總監管紀東、Optus 客戶解決方案董事總經理 Matt Williams、Singtel業務發展總裁葉安娜、台灣大哥大個人用戶事業商務長林東閔、Telkomsel 首席營銷總裁Derrick Heng宣佈合作推出全球首個跨境電訊獎賞計劃。

香港電訊數碼投資業務行政總裁梁海儀表示:「憑藉香港電訊多元化的業務組合,我們的會員計劃及數碼商務平台 The Club 一直穩健擴展旅遊及生活相關的產品和服務,以及電影首映禮及演唱會優先訂票等獨特體驗。無論是酒店住宿、特色餐廳、主題公園或城中盛事,我們的會員都可隨時隨地透過平台兌換獎賞。通過是次合作,我們很高興將這些服務及禮遇帶給來自合作夥伴的訪港旅客,豐富他們的本地旅行體驗,為香港旅遊業出一分力。而香港電訊的客戶前往這些地區旅遊時,亦可無縫享受旅遊便利,盡享獨特的當地優惠。」

AIS 個人消費業務總經理Pratthana Leelapanang表示:「此次的合作代表著重要的全球里程碑,一次結合亞洲地區眾多主要電訊商,並以世界首創的跨境電訊獎賞計劃,優化跨境客戶的需求與服務。此項創舉為全球電訊業界樹立了新標準,讓AIS的用戶在合作的6個不同地區旅行時,能享有最優質的網路電訊服務與尊屬禮遇及體驗。同時,他們的客戶來泰國旅行並選擇AIS服務時,也將獲得由AIS提供的尊屬特權,猶如AIS的客戶一樣。此次的合作不僅體現了AIS持續優化用戶體驗的承諾,更在升級服務的同時,多一個機會推動每個目的地的旅遊業發展。」

Globe 個人流動通訊業務主管Darius Delgado則表示:「專注提供用戶獨特體驗一直是Globe最大的優勢,也讓我們與用戶建立了更密切的互動。我們很高興能與區內各大領先的電訊公司合作,為顧客創造更多連結與互動的同時,更能加深優化顧客的跨境旅行體驗,讓他們前往其他合作電訊商所在地時,可以享受跨境的福利、體驗及特別優惠。透過此項創舉及GOMO PH服務,我們相信每趟旅程都將是用戶終生難忘的美好體險!」

Optus 客戶解決方案董事總經理 Matt Williams 表示:「很高興能參與這個開創性的旅遊獎賞計劃,代表著我們提升尊貴客戶生活品質的承諾。我們知道澳洲人喜歡出國旅遊,同時全球各地每年約有3,500萬人次往返澳洲。這項獎賞計劃以創新方式,提供引人入勝的體驗,涵蓋了其他六個目的地,展現了成為新加坡Singtel集團一員的力量。我們期待著很快將此計劃帶給客戶,並邀請他們體驗這些尊屬活動。」



Telkomsel 首席營銷總裁Derrick Heng表示:「疫情爆發後,受到降價機票和寬鬆簽證政策鼓勵,印尼年輕人赴海外旅行的人數顯著增加。我們自豪地推出了世界首個跨境電訊獎賞計劃,體現Telkomsel對創新與超越客戶期望的堅定承諾。這一計劃旨在豐富國際旅行體驗,為他們提供卓越的福利,讓他們像當地人一般享受獨特的在地體驗。預計這個計劃將為我們電訊合作夥伴的訂戶,以及Telkomsel和by.U訂戶提供額外價值,同時與我們為年輕人設計的、具有競爭力的價格和無縫網絡體驗的全數位電訊品牌相輔相成。」

作為香港電訊的會員計劃及數碼商務平台,The Club致力為尊貴的會員於日常生活中帶來精彩及多元的獎勵。是次合作除了為訪港旅客提供更多發掘香港的機會,還進一步完善The Club的生態系統,及鞏固我們在行業的領導地位。

Hashtag: #HKT



香港電訊是科技、媒體及電訊的領導者,扎根香港逾 150 年。香港電訊作為真正的 5G 網絡營運商,為企業及大眾接通本地和全球。我們的全方位企業應用方案,成為企業進行數碼轉型的不二之選。與此同時,我們全面的網絡及智能生活服務組合,豐富大眾日常生活,並滿足他們對工作、娛樂、教育、健康,以至可持續低碳生活的各種需要。連同我們支援數碼經濟發展及協助香港作為國際金融中心連繫世界的數碼企業業務,香港電訊致力為智慧城市發展作出貢獻,以科技成就未來。



Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (AIS) is a digital infrastructure provider that supports customers in Thailand through mobile, broadband, enterprise and digital services. Its 5G mobile network leverages a spectrum of up to 1,460 MHz to serve 44.6 million subscribers, while its 3BB FIBRE3 broadband supports the connectivity needs of more than 4.7 million subscribers. By working towards its vision to become a “Cognitive Tech-Co”, it contributes towards digital economy development and elevates the quality of life of Thais. Visit for more information.

關於 Globe

Globe is a leading full-service telecommunications company in the Philippines and publicly listed in the PSE with the stock symbol GLO. The company serves the telecommunications and technology needs of consumers and businesses across an entire suite of products and services including mobile, fixed, broadband, data connectivity, internet and managed services. It has major interests in financial technology, digital marketing solutions, venture capital funding for startups, and virtual healthcare. In 2019, Globe became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, committing to implement universal sustainability principles. Its principals are Ayala Corporation and Singtel, acknowledged industry leaders in the country and in the region.


As Australia’s second largest provider of telecommunications services, Optus is a leading technology company providing Australian customers with connectivity services daily.

Through our team of more than 7,000 employees across Australia, Optus delivers a comprehensive range of telecommunications products including mobile and fixed line telephony, fixed and mobile broadband services, multimedia entertainment and technology services, satellite services, and converged business telecommunications applications and solutions.

As the digital world of technology changes and our customers’ demands change in unison, we are consistently on a transformational journey to deliver technological solutions beyond basic connectivity.


Singtel is Asia’s leading communications technology group, providing a portfolio of services from next-generation communication, 5G and technology services to infotainment to both consumers and businesses. The Group has presence in Asia, Australia and Africa and reaches over 760 million mobile customers in 21 countries. Its infrastructure and technology services for businesses span 21 countries, with more than 428 direct points of presence in 362 cities.

For consumers, Singtel delivers a complete and integrated suite of services, including mobile, broadband and TV. For businesses, Singtel offers a complementary array of workforce mobility solutions, data hosting, cloud, network infrastructure, analytics and cyber security capabilities. Singtel is dedicated to continuous innovation, harnessing technology to create new and exciting customer experiences and shape a more sustainable, digital future.

For more information, visit .
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Taiwan Mobile is the second-largest telecommunications provider in Taiwan. With new technology vision, it has integrated telecommunications, network, media, entertainment, and e-commerce group synergy to create a “convergence-into-one” platform that provides technology solutions; at the same time, it incorporates the 5G+ Strategy, leveraging momo coins through the entire group to expand point application scenarios and create a momo coin ecosphere. Taiwan Mobile is guided by an “Open Possible” brand spirit that employs imagination, technological power, action, connectivity, and inspiration to provide seamless and convenient services.


Telkomsel is a leading digital telecommunication company that continues to open up more opportunities and possibilities by enabling digital connectivity, digital platforms, and digital services developed by prioritizing the benefits of technology for all levels of society across the country. Telkomsel has been consistently deploying 4G mobile broadband networks, developing 5G networks, and enriching innovative digital solutions, including Mobile Gaming, Digital Entertainment, Digital Lifestyle, Mobile Financial Services, Enterprise Solutions, and the Internet of Things. Telkomsel has also integrated IndiHome fixed broadband services as part of the company’s commitment to implementing the leading Fixed Mobile Convergence in Indonesia. During its 28 years of existence, Telkomsel has served more than 158,3 million mobile customers and more than 8,5 million fixed (IndiHome-Consumer) across the nation. Supported by more than 233.000 BTS, with leading 4G and 5G broadband technology, Telkomsel has served 97 percent of Indonesia’s population, dominating 65 percent of the total payload (mobile and fixed) broadband users throughout Indonesia. Catch more information about us on our official channel at www.telkomsel.com, facebook.com/telkomsel, Twitter @telkomsel, and Instagram @telkomsel, as well as Telkomsel’s virtual assistant at MyTelkomsel app.

